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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. As tweets go. This one is pretty funny. With Andersen (upper body) doubtful, Ducks recall Khudobin from minors
  2. I blame ISIS!!! Oh wait. No that was just a Kings fan. Trade Porn!!!!!!
  3. Looks like in the US, the age for most states is 16 with parental consent. With Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and New York as low as 14. New Hampshire 13. Time to bomb the US.
  4. Ducks GM Bob Murray is not done dealing after latest trade
  5. If Clendening becomes another Despres. Then Pittsburgh is just our bitch. Might as well trade Stoner for Crosby.
  6. See what marriage does to you! I kid, I kid. She's probably just making smarter decisions for you.
  7. LOL. Now that is funny. Orioles just outbid themselves.
  8. Not really familiar with either player. So we shall see. But in essence we traded Etem for these two. So it's like one of those non moves the Angels have been making all offseason. Good to unload the Haeglin $ though. Perron is a $3.8 million player, UFA after this season. Clendening $687k, RFA after this season. Haeglin we had signed to $4 million through 2019. I liked the trade for Haeglin at the time. I even liked the extension. But his speed just didn't seem to translate well to this team.
  9. Something is really bugging me about our goalies. So when Andersen is on the bench, between periods, he is in the hallway rooting on the players as they go by. I noticed that between periods, Gibson was not doing it. Then I noticed that as Gibson passed Getzlaf on the ice after the game ended, he just skated by, no bump or anything. Probably nothing. But just something that I noticed.
  10. Umm. I must be really really drunk. Am I reading that right? 4-0 Ducks with 4 left in the first?
  11. Man, I remember when these threads would reach 5-10 pages by the time it started.
  12. Both seem to have asked for a bit over the MLBTR estimation. Where as the Angels have come way way under. If it goes to Arb, there is a good chance that both may win. Also, looking at the arbitration eligible people that we have already signed. I think there was two of them, but they both signed for more than the MLBTR number.
  13. They dropped their price till tonight for new members.
  14. A tip of the cap to you sir. Tipped slightly to the left that is.
  15. How the 'Die Hard' director tricked Alan Rickman into making the best scene of his career
  16. A Powerball Reimbursement Go Fund Me Page Has Been Created /sigh. Humanity is just doomed. Someone just push the button now and get it over with.
  17. Report: Lightning could trade Drouin in the next 24 hours
  18. Now I want to know the turtle joke.
  19. RIP. He was good and probably will forever be know for Snape. But as villains go, Hans Gruber all the way.
  20. For me, 100 rbi, .800 ops one is very probable. Over would be a bonus. *edit and a plus defender in LF. And yes, for a #4 hitter, I consider RBI to be a very important stat.
  21. Channel 7 is reporting that the powerball winner in California is some nurse. Here is the catch. If true, they are saying that the nurse received the ticket........ Because the boss bought 18000 tickets for his employees and residents at 80 nursing homes across California. 600 tickets were sent to the Park Avenue Health Care and Wellness center in Pomona.
  22. Well, they do say that black makes you look slimmer. So he's still Fat.
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