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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Getzlaf goes full retard again, and luckily Andersen bails him out.
  2. So who do we send the thank you letter to for Perron?
  3. PP goal against the #1 PP unit. Nice snipe by Theo!
  4. Happy Days? Three's Company? How about the Andy Griffith Show?
  5. Maybe someone is shopping? It would be one thing if it was Dobin in there. But we have two quality NHL goalies. So it doesn't bother me to keep them both fresh. Let's just shut out the Bruins and call it a roadtrip.
  6. Also, don't forget. We have one of the top rated scoring young defensemen in the AHL, who's currently #24 in all scoring. And it's not Theodore.
  7. Unlike the ginger we have now. I bet she could catch a ball at the top of the RF wall, no problem. She has a huge strike zone though, so expect lot's of K's.
  8. And if someone gives them a monster offer sheet, it's nice that the Ducks have a good enough farm that they could say give me the picks and say so long and thanks for all the fish. Talking about picks. This is how offer sheets work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offer_sheet In the players cases, 2015-16 salaries. Vatannen $1.262 Andersen $1.5 Lindholm $895 Rakell $894 In think in Andersen and Vatannen's case, due to what they are to receive this year, will be an easy over $2 million offer. Lindholm and Rakell should also be in that area. $1.82-3.65 million contract is worth a second round pick. And I think that's an easy match for the Ducks. When you get over that, then we are looking at first round picks. That's when I think you have to cut bait.
  9. The sooner this thing dies, the less it's going to cost taxpayers.
  10. Regarding Straight outta Compton. While I hear it's a great movie. I wonder if it suffered from marketing? Now I don't know if it was sent out or not. I do know that every academy voter got a copy of Revenant. Even if it's still out in theaters. Does this play into the voting? Comton has been out on DVD for a while. But for an academy voter, who are you going to vote for, the film you got for free in the mail and just saw, among the 20 other movies you got? Or a movie you have to go out to buy/rent. Again, not sure if Compton or other movies got sent to voters.
  11. At least he's manning up to it. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/nhl-suspends-ducks-shawn-horcoff-184400551.html 36 games left. So pretty much the last 16 games. At that point, he will probably be the healthy scratch or released.
  12. This is going to backfire spectacularly in the Academy's face. And not for the color or whatever. BTW, no Asians in movie, I'm boycotting, or at least I should have China boycott. And those damn Hispanics bogartting the director award. Boot em. Anyways, regarding the backfire. They are changing their membership requirements. It's probably going to be a much smaller group now. Smaller groups now pretty much go to a popularity contest. But on top of that. With the oldies getting booted out. I can see a shift in the nominations going from art films, to popular films. Which won't necessarily be a bad thing for the viewing audience.
  13. Does this count against the international cap? If so, just like the MLB team, we have no money.
  14. Anaheim Ducks Defense, What The Statistics Say and Whose Available Interesting things brought up. But what we pretty much knew.
  15. Report: Blake Griffin broke his hand hitting an equipment staff member multiple times That does not look good at all.
  16. Active shooter reported at Naval Medical Center San Diego First I've seen that option.
  17. You know you are getting old. When you watch those Copper Fit commercials, and order one because you really could use it.
  18. She probably could have found a better use for those nunchucks.
  19. yup. Not disappointed at all. Rain predicted for Sunday is enough.
  20. Let's just hope he plays for his next big payday. I say a 3.50 ERA, 1.20 WHIP.
  21. yeah, I really think it might have been the system. Now that he has gotten used to the system, it seems he is becoming the guy we were hoping for. This team is really beginning to look like the team we were hoping for at the beginning of the season. And if we play to our hype before the season, then even though we are fighting for that 3rd, I think we will be pushing for that first spot.
  22. Rumors II: Lightning, Canucks, Escrow, Ducks and Oilers Interesting how they phrased that, Vatanen or Lindholm, whichever signs first. Wonder if they are having difficulties signing either? Or is the negotiations more of a long term nature. In either case, looks like the Ducks will be dealing from strength. And hopefully we don't get a temporary fix, but a RFA or lower. I actually wouldn't even mind some top picks, since I think the O is turning the corner.
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