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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Trumps toupee is going to look even more out of place.
  2. Yes, someone dissected every Adam Sandler movie, and see's how they are all connected. This guy is a nut, and much more entertaining than Sandlers movies.
  3. It's funny that they include his minor league numbers. In the majors for the last 2 seasons, 27 homers, 88 RBI's just doesn't have the same ring. But the vast majority of his damage has been in the majors.
  4. 2/$20. Get ready for 2 months of Kendricks 2/$20 for CJ's 1/$20.
  5. The poorest owners of the NFL will look to Vegas for handouts. http://www.chatsports.com/nfl/a/How-Much-Is-Each-NFL-Owner-Worth-19465
  6. The Angels will sign him. The medical staff will clear him. About a month into the season, after the Angels go 5-20 they will realize that he didn't have Dengue Fever, but the plague. All 25 players will have to go into quaranteen for a month. Oddly, when the AAA team gets called up, they will go 13-12 only to be sent down and told they aren't good enough when the team gets out of stasis.
  7. I actually saw this a few weeks ago. So the answer is not much.
  8. As long as it's enough to water all my plants. But I don't want them overwatered.
  9. For those that are complaining. It would be interesting to see their ballots, if they voted at all.
  10. I'm actually surprised that the San Diego community isn't fighting to keep the name Chargers. Similar to when that dude move the Browns to Baltimore.
  11. I'm actually kind of happy the way the O is playing lately. It's what we were hoping they would do at the beginning of the season. And because of that, I would trade Freddie and Vats for young guys/picks, some of which might not help us this year. While we are very heavy in D right now. We are also very heavy at the AHL level. Down further, we aren't as stacked. And considering the Ducks are a budget team, for the long term success of the team, continuing the pipeline to the minors is pretty critical. If we could get a possible lottery teams first rounder + another pick, I'd be happy with that haul for either.
  12. Zika virus 'spreading explosively,' WHO leader says I think we are one step closer to "Children for Men".
  13. Just for AO. First significant storm in weeks forecast to hit L.A. Sunday California's snowpack is deepest in five years after recent storms But I'll take the 70 degree weather.
  14. At school. Someone came in and said the shuttle had a problem. I said, what the wheel fell off? When I got home later in the day, it was on the news everywhere. "Go to throttle up."
  15. No charges for LAPD officers who shot newspaper delivery women during Dorner manhunt
  16. Germany warns Russia against 'exploiting' teen 'rape' case And in Denmark Why Teen Who Fended Off Attacker Now Faces Charges Herself
  17. torey-krug-ducks-chris-stewart-didnt-want-to-fight-me-said-good-job I was actually wondering about this myself. It was such a mismatch. Stewart could have sneezed and knocked him out.
  18. Slap shot, with traffic, from between the red dots, with no pressure for Chara. Definitely was not Andersens fault there.
  19. I think one of the problems with Denzel and Will is they do more popular movies. I have not seen it, but Concussion had a more Draft Day type vibe to it. It could have been so much more, but it didn't have that over the top quality to it. Again, maybe I'm too critical. But when I see the ads for Concussion, it doesn't draw me in. Race on the other hand, I can't wait for.
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