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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Sadly, the infielders and outfielders have a good shot at making the team.
  2. Anaheim Ducks Lindholm-Andersen Agent Representation Issue Resolved Interesting. Might be more movement on contract talks now. Yes Nate, it's from Pucks of a Feather.
  3. Oh joy. We get to end the season on back to back games in Colorado and Washington DC now.
  4. 2015-16 Free Agent Spending By Team To Date Angels $8.65 million. 7th last. But maybe even more surprising. Yankees. $0.00 dead last in free agent spending.
  5. Back in 2013 BTW. More bowhunting with Angels center fielder Mike Trout. So expect fat Trout for spring training.
  6. Iowa caucuses: Ted Cruz wins, Clinton, Sanders tied
  7. My only question is. Do camo's make Trout look fat? Because the last time he killed something big, it added 20 lbs.
  8. Some things need work. But overall, not bad. I like the team site better though. And I love that the Ducks have their own app to keep you up to date. Wish the Angels would have a similar app.
  9. Going to be close to 80 for Superbowl. Tough decision. Golf while everyone is watching the commercials, or Superbowl.
  10. I'm actually surprised they aren't trying that angle to get a retrial or appeal or however it works.
  11. Bettman extended to 2022. At this point, Foley should just buy the Raiders, and move them to Vegas.
  12. Also, NFL is a heavy travel fanbase. Vegas seems perfect for that weekend bender these fans do. Of major sports teams, NFL is probably the easiest for fans since home games is only 8 games a season on the weekend. So I think it's easy for Vegas to support it. And if the Raiders move to Vegas. And by move, being soon. The NHL will be the fat bridesmaid hoping to catch the bouquet, flailing and missing.
  13. Is that why traffic was so bad for me coming home last night. Stupid Doggie fans always causing trouble for me.
  14. Pfft. I don't need porn to masterbate while driving.
  15. Bettman says NHL would not take an application from Seattle now it just sounds like Bettman and the NHL are dicking everyone around. I'd be pretty pissed if I was Foley.
  16. For you deep south OC people. My buddy told me about this deal. groupgolfer.com Guess they have a deal for Shorecliffs golf course. golf, cart, range balls for $23. You got 28 hours to take advantage of the offer.
  17. You should come out to the track today Adam. Got a few no shows in my group in Frontrunner at Santa Anita.
  18. Trumps toupee is going to look even more out of place.
  19. Yes, someone dissected every Adam Sandler movie, and see's how they are all connected. This guy is a nut, and much more entertaining than Sandlers movies.
  20. It's funny that they include his minor league numbers. In the majors for the last 2 seasons, 27 homers, 88 RBI's just doesn't have the same ring. But the vast majority of his damage has been in the majors.
  21. 2/$20. Get ready for 2 months of Kendricks 2/$20 for CJ's 1/$20.
  22. The poorest owners of the NFL will look to Vegas for handouts. http://www.chatsports.com/nfl/a/How-Much-Is-Each-NFL-Owner-Worth-19465
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