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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Yotes got away with a high stick to someone on the Ducks behind the play. Of course we get called for something instead.
  2. Updating iPhone 6 Is Causing ‘Error 53’ For Some: Only Solution To The Problem? Buy A New iPhone
  3. With the potential Zika scare, angle to use is safe with all natural organic ingredients that is safe to use for preggos.
  4. If Perron continues the way he does. Do we have to entertain a long term offer? He makes $4.5 million, although the Ducks are on the hook for only $2 of that. On one hand, I think he's going to be too expensive. But what if you could get him for in the $3 range? With the way things are clicking right now, I think Vatanen for prospects/picks just makes too much sense. Especially since he isn't a one year rental for some team. But Vats for Tatar does make some sense. Just worried about his size, since this team is a grinding team. I'd disagree on this one. Perry, Getzlaf, Kessler. Any one of them can have just chewed up the cap with dead money. The good thing is, Perry and Getzlaf were home grown, so if they made a mistake, it would have at least been with one of ours. Bieska was looking like a mistake in November, but looks like he was more adjusting to the system and has looked good now.
  5. May I remind you all. According to that chart that was posted yesterday? Players off Claims on the Angels, 0.00 WAR.
  6. Nope. Just like the Angels won't eat a lot of money to move CJ Wilson. Which is a shame. We need a 2b and LF. Dodgers have too many MLB level 2B and LF'ers. It should be a good match. But we don't have what the Dogs would want. Money or prospects.
  7. I don't think the Dogs care much about the cap. Especially if it's just a $3 million difference. If you were talking someone paying half his salary, then it would probably be of more interest. Which is also a reason we won't get Ethier.
  8. I almost feel bad. Need to send Pittsburgh a gift basket or something.
  9. I wonder if the Penguins have anyone else they want to trade to us?
  10. Guy should make an answering machine and an app. He would make a killing.
  11. So you wonder why health care seems to go up and up and up? Mom Sues Physician for 'Wrongful Birth' of Child With Health Condition
  12. People Have A 'Fundamental Right' To Own Assault Weapons, Court Rules Ready, set, go!
  13. Russia accuses Turkey over Syria as donors pledge aid Turkey is about to test NATO's resolve. And it's a no win situation for everyone.
  14. Dial This Number Next Time You Get a Telemarketing Call, Then Watch Chaos Reign This is funny.
  15. How dare they compare Trout to Mantle. Trout is much better.
  16. Those that are higher ups should be called UpChucks.
  17. I might be in the minority on this. But I'd want picks and prospects. And I'd rather he go to Carolina than Dallas. F Dallas.
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