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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Doesn't everybody? Asking for a friend.
  2. I don't have Ochoa either, but I did get Gil. Went to Spring training when he was playing for the Mariners. Waited for him in an area where the players walked down a ramp. People were calling out to different players and my wife and I were calling for Benji and he looked at us like "Who me?" He happily signed.
  3. Always has change in his pocket
  4. Only way he could get his wedding ring off his finger is if someone cut it off
  5. Would never name his son "Anibal."
  6. His left arm is tanner than his right arm because he sticks it out the window when he drives
  7. Uses the phrase "clean cut"
  8. Never had a salad as his main course.
  9. Thinks an emoji is a communist regime he fought in Vietnam
  10. Calls everyone "dumbass"
  11. Has a funny nickname like "Tank"
  12. Falls asleep watching TV and when you wake him, he denies he was sleeping and says - "I was just resting my eyes."
  13. Likes wood paneling. Has his "work" jeans that haven't been washed in years Does a cross word puzzle every day without fail Will drive ten miles out of his way to a gas station with cheaper prices to save money Knows the mailman by name.
  14. I don't know how anyone can "hate" a player for "no good reason." That being said... Any player in pinstripes (Bernie Williams was the one exception). Any player in a Red Sox uniform. Any player in an Oakland A's uniform. Any player in a Dodgers uniform (Mike Piazza and Clayton Kershaw are exceptions). Brett Boone, Rougned Odor, Wade Boggs, A-Rod (because he killed the Angels), Lenny Dykstra, John Rocker, AJ Pierzynski (of course), Ian Kinsler, and I'm sure there are others...
  15. Doesn't like to have the valet park his car. Washes his own car and mows his own lawn. Has a wallet that's as thick as a brick.
  16. Wears socks with his sandals.
  17. The first rule of fantasy baseball is never talk about fantasy baseball.
  18. Finished S3 of Silk... its final season. I have 2 words for the finale... BLOODY HELL!
  19. I loved Erstad, but he lived off that one season for the rest of his career. After 2000, he was sort of a black hole in the lineup... not ever coming close to those numbers again. Great competitor, great glove, great attitude - but he didn't give the lineup much ever again. His reputation was greater than his actual abilities. Fans loved him, but the analytics on him weren't good.
  20. I have several of these baseballs.. They make special baseball for just about everything... opening day, all-star games, etc.
  21. So I guess this means the Angels defense is about to improve.
  22. This post is 1/4 the number of words I expected from you...
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