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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Monday, Monday, can't trust that day Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
  2. It's funny to see you guys talking about MVP awards and playoffs. I guess, one can hope. I'm usually pretty optimistic, but I'm not feeling it. Hoping for the best and taking it one game at a time - but some of you are buttercuping yourselves, IMO.
  3. Watched 3 episodes of S1 of Alone and I like it. Pretty intense at times. The bear factor is crazy. I like the fact that there's no narration over the footage from someone not participating. It makes them all seem more isolated. The funny thing is when some say they didn't anticipate it being like it is... Really? I imagine some of the success is the luck of the draw and it's all about what location they end up at. Some seem to have immediate access to water, where others have to do more searching. In any case - it's pretty good stuff.
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