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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. @foolios Just say the word and I will hook you up with her...
  2. There's no crying in baseball
  3. People are really that upset that Ward came in for Wong? Really?
  4. S1 E10 Alone I can't believe I hadn't heard of this series. It's even better than Survivor Man. Thanks again, Lou.
  5. I think anyone who thinks they know what anyone else is feeling or thinking is dumb, period.
  6. It's much more fun when you call out the individual posts. Now, I have to read 10 pages instead.
  7. Really enjoying "Alone." The last 4 guys from S1 have some mad skills. I have a lot of respect for what they've accomplished so far.. This show is easy to binge. I probably wouldn't last an hour in those conditions.
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