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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Results don’t matter because they’re all good clubhouse guys.
  2. Watched E1 of S1, not sure I will keep watching. Looks like things could drag out for quite some time and I'm not sure I'm Interested in the outcome.
  3. I should have scheduled a root canal instead of tuning into this game.
  4. Maybe, just maybe they can overcome this and come back to win this thing. Posting this just in case Lou tries to agree with anything I post in this thread.
  5. Same for me. On both iPhone and Android Did AJ do the upgrade?
  6. and what about fixing the bug that allows AJ to jinx the team with magical posts?
  7. I didn't see a bullet point about excluding all Canadians from posting. When is the next upgrade?
  8. I heard an interesting thing on MLB radio. They say that having the substances gives pitcher a better grip and thus better control, but that may or may not be true. We've just accepted it as fact.
  9. AJ’s stock picks over the years included Blockbuster video, Kodak Film and Oldsmobile.
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