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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. He's practically an open book. His birthday is April 11. He likes to watch cricket. He watches a lot of TV, but he doesn't watch shows about zombies or vampires. Doesn't watch science fiction either. He likes Del Taco fries with his INO burger. He calls people out for posting dumb stuff. We know a hell of a lot more about Lou than most people in here.
  2. Excuse me, but that doesn't fit with our narrative regarding Maddon's ineptitude. Please discontinue this line of posting.
  3. Running jokes are a part of the AW culture. Wanker.
  4. Chuck needs to eat more chicken.
  5. When did the Angels fire Minasian and hire a new GM?
  6. I replaced the valve stems in my shower today. Six trips to Ace Hardware later... it was all done. Most of my attempts at fixing things go like it did today. It takes me five times longer than it should...
  7. So the senior citizens of AW can get to bed at a reasonable time.
  8. Funny story about Mike Cameron. Padres spring training and he's teammates with EY,Sr. A woman comes up to Cam and calls him EY. Cam looks at her, smiles and says "I know we all look alike, but he's a foot shorter than me"
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