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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. You're trying to put words in my mouth. I never said Angels fans were lazy. It's not even a dig. It's just a true statement about the history Angels fans have with voting for ASG's.
  2. Exactly. I"m not putting Angels fans down. I'm just stating the opinion that they don't typically vote players in on their own efforts, for better or worse. You're trying to engage me in an argument that I am not fighting. It is what it is. Angels fans don't do rally around players for the purpose of electing them to ASG's. If you think that's a bad thing, that's fine. I just think it's a thing.
  3. Politics and baseball are apples and oranges. You're really asking Angels fans to vote for Walsh over Guerrero? You think Walsh is having a better season?
  4. Again, you're not hearing me. I don't expect this fan base to do that. They haven't done it before and I don't expect them to do it for Walsh. I'm not saying Salmon deserved to be an all-star. He's just ONE example that comes to mind of a player, much beloved (and who was pretty good), who didn't find his way to the ASG because of a lack of effort by his fans to put him there. My point is - asking us to rally around Walsh is pointless.
  5. I think you guys are missing my point... Angel fans didn't vote in big numbers to put Salmon into any ASG. They typically don't do that and Salmon is a prime example. This fan base doesn't make the kind of effort that is necessary to get someone like Salmon into the ASG. Fan favorites in smaller markets do get voted in because their fan base will rally around something like that.
  6. "Trade Upton" is the new AW narrative/rally cry. He can't win. If he struggles... fans want to get rid of him. If he hits well, fans still want to trade him. It's dumb, IMO.
  7. I'm all for analytics helping inform decisions, but an actual person still has to make the decision. If you take away a manager's ability to make the ultimate decision then you might be asking for trouble. Give him the freedom to fail too.
  8. I think Walsh is deserving of the opportunity. I imagine that from a player's point of view, it's a cool thing to be with your peers and to be considered among the best. It's one of those things that is often cited... 5-time all-star, So and So...
  9. Not today. What’s funny is how some people are now calling Maddon “old school” but he doesn’t manage his pitching staff that way.
  10. LOL In all seriousness, it's a good question, Strad. I really don't remember when guys only going 5 innings became a thing. It seems to get worse every year. The game has just evolved, I guess. We used to have guys going 3 innings to get a save and that changed too. I don't know that it's an old school vs. new school thing. Guys throw harder now. Seems like more guys end up getting TJ surgery too. It all factors in some how. And I don't even think it's a question of pitchers not wanting to go deeper into games - it's more about managers and front office policies that don't allow them to. Again, I don't know when that changed either.
  11. That's just one example. Again, Angels fans don't typically vote in "their guys" - I've noticed this for years... I can't think of specific examples right now, but it seems Angels fans are apathetic about the ASG. Some teams actually build campaigns to get their players elected. Their marketing team makes a push through various channels to get fans to vote. The Angels don't do that. I remember the White Sox pushing for AJ Pierzynski one year... using a campaign along the lines of "I punched AJ" getting fans to punch his name on their ballots...
  12. I was mistaken. Eckstein wasn't voted in. He was added.
  13. I stopped voting for the ASG a while back. Angel fans historically don't vote their players into the game - most of the players who get into the game are nationally recognized guys like Vlad and Trout, who get elected because all fans vote for them. Salmon never got voted in.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/angels-paying-albert-pujols-30-164603342.html Trolling at its finest
  15. You just shot yourself in the foot
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