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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I thought every major leaguer wanted to play for Maddon. Not true?
  2. I think too many people are making a political decision about the vaccine and not a health related decision. The virus continues to mutate and that's why the CDC changes its position constantly. The more infections there are - the greater the chance the virus mutates. Each mutation causes a re-evaluation of how to best deal with the virus. Get your info from reliable sources. I watched a forum put on by the City of Hope and it was incredibly informative. Be smart about your research - instead of reading opinions from news organizations, twitter, facebook, etc. The COH forum was recorded - once it's available, I'll post a link.
  3. Sometimes I wish that I could stop you from talking when I hear the silly things that you say...
  4. I know I give you a hard time and I do that often, but I think this would be an interesting read.
  5. You will actually lose college credit by hanging out here.
  6. Arte is going to supplement the Angels' minor league players with tips from fans. When you purchase tickets to a minor league game, there will be a tipping option from now on. You will be able to tip up to 150% of the purchase price.
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