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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. They have good team chemistry, a winning culture and their minor leaguers eat and sleep Kings
  2. F'ing Ippei. He should be watching for those foul balls.
  3. Trout has actually been ready to go since the all-star break, but they held him back on purpose until after the trading deadline so that they could say getting him back is like a big splash acquisition. Same for Rendon. I heard this from a reliable source. A guy who sets up the post-game wine bar for Maddon. Okay, not THE guy, but his cousin. Okay, not his cousin, but the guy who cuts his cousin's hair. It's legit.
  4. Did Minasian get his bottle of champagne from the Red Sox yet?
  5. Callaway approves of this deal.
  6. It's going to take him a while to get here...
  7. The Giants are also throwing in some Taco Bell coupons.
  8. Minasian did this in his sleep. Imagine what he could have done if he had been awake!
  9. I'm disappointed.... In AW. I expected a bigger meltdown.
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