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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Taylor is making a mental note to not let his daughter dare minor league baseball players
  2. Human caused adversity? What the hell does that have to do with minor league baseball?
  3. @Taylor you just had a baby. What the hell are you doing here?
  4. It's naive to think or even hope she won't face some adversity. It's part of life and it can be a good thing.
  5. Sometimes companies/organizations do things not because they have to, but because they want to. Sometimes that’s what separates successful ones from others. I think the main point being made in all these articles is that their situations put them in a tough mental and emotional state that makes it difficult for them to focus on playing baseball. Well, that’s the real world many of us lived in at one time. So again, I don’t see why they should be exempt from that. At the same time, teams could do more, but it doesn’t appear they want to. Maybe if teams that do more show a competitive advantage, others will follow their lead. So, on the other end of the spectrum - I don’t fault guys for getting as much money as they can in their contracts. And I really don’t get upset when they don’t live up to them…
  6. Awesome news! Congratulations to you, the mom and little Swifty.
  7. I really don't think minor league baseball players should be exempt from struggle. Hell, I remember all too well, the struggles I had right out of college.... Many of us had to worry about our bills, rent, affording food, etc. I think it makes Jared Walsh's all that more impressive. His story is rare though. Now that there are only 20 rounds for the draft. I wonder what a guy picked in the 20th round signs for on average? Also - it might be to a player's advantage not to be drafted because they he can find the best offer from a franchise that wants him in their minor league system. At the same time, I think MLB has gotten off pretty easy, all things considered. I would think they should be able to find an equitable solution.
  8. Studios don't draft actors and retain the rights to which movie they can work on
  9. I'd love to say that I've watched every pitch of Team USA's Olympic run, but....
  10. I'll back that up... he doesn't bitch. He posts facts... how you take what he posts is up to the reader.
  11. I guess JR Richard had a heart attack at age 30.... and for some reason I thought he died from it.
  12. I knew that.... but I really thought J.R. died years ago.
  13. I'm having wings from Wing Stop for the first time, ever. Not impressed. Pricey. Just so-so. Fries are pretty good though.
  14. It's very strange... I was absolutely sure he died of a heart attack at a young age.
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