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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Or maybe the kid is saying.... Milkman. Because, well...
  2. Yes, that was scrapped last year because of Covid.
  3. Are you stalking me? I wasn't the one who threw paint on your car!
  4. Oh crap. I'm still going to give you as much grief as humanly possible.
  5. I'm surprised anyone noticed I was gone at all, to be honest. I've gone long stretches without posting before.
  6. Just so were clear... Back in 1979, I wanted the Lakers to draft Sidney Moncrief instead of Magic Johnson. So, you know I'm right about Ohtani.
  7. I think the novelty of Ohtani will wear off after this season. I'd let him walk.
  8. Walking through the steps of how this works... Per their website: A player gets in touch with us that he would like to be sponsored. We let our community know a player is up for sponsorship. We select a sponsor from the community for the player. We put player and sponsor into contact and their relationship grows. Is there an adopt a women's pro beach volleyball player program? Asking for a friend.
  9. You really teed that one up.... but I decided to let it pass.
  10. Well, I posted that before Chuck's post. I agree it is concerning, given his history of consistently posting on these forums and then for it to stop all of a sudden.
  11. Seriously... hope he's ok. It's odd not seeing any posts from him.
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