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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Wait... So the Angels are in the World Series? Cool! Oh wait... Little League World Series? Still cool. Thanks, Arte!
  2. Seriously... Last year, in the early stages of the pandemic, I came down with fever and chills. I was sure I had Covid. I went and got tested. While the test wasn't hard at all... the waiting was. My wife and I take care of her mom and I couldn't afford to be sick. Luckily, I was fine - but the waiting was really hard. Not exactly what you were looking for.... but I can't really think of a test that was difficult.
  3. Yes, but which team has the best clubhouse? Best team chemistry? And which team has the best post-game wine bar? Well? Besides, results don't matter.
  4. Cole Hammels out for the season with shoulder surgery. Red Sox release Marwin Gonzalez.
  5. He is. He's just trying to disguise it.
  6. What a cluster-f. The sad thing is that a lot of time and energy is being spent on who to blame and not how to fix the situation (if that's even possible). What a horrendous state of affairs.
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