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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. So, imagine if the Angels cut all the players AW wanted cut and then brought up minor leaguers who failed miserably... What then? Not asking you, specifically.
  2. It's all about perspective. The Angels losing doesn't hurt me at all. I had an older friend of mine just pass away on Sunday. That hurt. Baseball doesn't hurt.
  3. AO, baseball, like life - is unpredictable. The sooner you realize and accept that, the sooner you can stop being the old man that yells at the clouds.
  4. Baseball should be fun... especially independent league baseball. If you like this stuff, you should check out Tim Dillard's stuff. https://www.instagram.com/dimtillard/
  5. He's fine. It's not like he's sleeping on the floor of a kitchen with five other guys, eating Taco Bell and watching shows with zombies.
  6. I watched a few episodes and dropped it... I might go back to it at some point. I would agree, some parts are good/funny... a lot of it... not so much.
  7. There's a Shake Shack in Long Beach and in Manhattan Beach... Never been to one...
  8. I'm saying the fact that Lou was MIA while Marsh turned things around isn't magical.
  9. I'm guessing there must have been other things that occurred that would make him a questionable employee. Pure speculation on my part - but I would think the fact that he OD'd, etc. was just the tip of the iceberg.
  10. At this point, if any really damning news comes out about anyone within the Angels organization, I won't be surprised. I say that because most of us, if not all of us - really don't know any of these people. Stuff often comes to the surface that we never saw coming... I do wonder how Kay was able to hold on to his job for so long - given the information we know about him ODing and going to rehab, etc.
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