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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Like I said… he spends plenty. He doesn’t always spend wisely.
  2. I believe Arte cares about winning. He just doesn't know how to build a winner. Calling him a "penny-pincher" is ludicrous. He spends plenty... he just doesn't spend wisely.
  3. You know, he can't pitch like this forever... At what point does he start to lose it?
  4. I like seeing the players show emotion... I just don't think it's a prerequisite for having a bulldog mentality.
  5. https://www.mlbplayers.com/mike-trout “I know he's been the best player over the last 10 years, but he was also the best player, arguably, every single season." - Eddie Bane @jcrasnicktalked to some special people throughout@MikeTrout's career to share their favorite memories of him.
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