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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I'm just glad I'm in the 10%
  2. Chuck just trashed 90% of the members on AW.
  3. You really need to get off the crack, bro. If you look to any politician for family values, you have issues. I mean, seriously?
  4. I know baseball. I don't know you at all.
  5. Damn, @Junkballer makes the rest of us look like jerks.
  6. You failed the drug test, right? Stop using crack, Taylor!
  7. We assumed the rest of your posts were inspired or actually written by your wife.
  8. Damn. I mean where else are you going to get this kind of awesome content? I love being able to get a summary like this and see the status of the minor league system. This stuff rocks. Good job, as always.
  9. Liar. I think we all know you're on crack. It explains most of your posts.
  10. You need to do better. What the hell are we paying you for?
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