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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Old school.... Carney Lansford went on to win a batting title with Boston and then had a solid career for Oakland.
  2. Be sure to burn an Altuve jersey inside a trash can as you bang it with a stick.
  3. NO KIDDING! If you know that and every AW member knows that, don't you think the Angels know that too? Or are all of us so much more brilliant than everyone working for the Angels? They just haven't been successful is landing and/or developing pitching for a variety of reasons. But to sit here and say... "Arte cares more about marketing than winning" is just... well... to be perfectly honest... it's dumb.
  4. Can I watch it right now? I mean, this very moment? Please!
  5. Go with the dark socks and sandals look instead.
  6. Rendon cares. Probably, not about Eppler though.
  7. Every time I see this, I think… “that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard.” Winning is the best marketing. That brings fans to the stadium more than anything else, period. This BS that Arte doesn’t care about winning, as long as attendance is good is a complete and moronic fan made myth. For the bazillionth time… He just hasn’t spent wisely.
  8. The chick that threw the egg throws like Bundy
  9. So... what Christian musical artist became the leader singer for Kansas?
  10. Taylor's kid will be Goth and spend all her time locked in her bedroom listening to Depeche Mode
  11. Apparently not. My name isn't Bo.
  12. Funny, you didn't ask me about my fries.
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