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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Common courtesy would have been to use the spoiler function to hide the image.
  2. Wow... same thing happened to Eddie Sutton.
  3. Add a couple of rolls of Kodak ISO 400 film and you might have a deal.
  4. You'd think AO would be exhausted talking about this by now.
  5. I predict Mike Scioscia will be managing the Padres next season.
  6. That's not how I remember it. He was sprinting through a mine field, with no regard for his own life as he reached a burning building, which he then climbed up the side of (free hand), 25 stories to save a kid, broke through a window, grabbed the kid and then jumped out the window, grabbing another kid on a ledge on the 18th floor and then landed on top of a bed of rattlesnakes and then sprinted to safety. That's when he hurt his calf. All the while, Anthony Rendon was watching, but looking like he didn't care. Joe Maddon was sipping a glass of wine and looked up and said, "that's cool, man."
  7. The best way to prevent mosquitos from biting you is to light yourself on fire.
  8. His control sucks. He frequently beans hitters. He hasn't been able to string together any good games. He's no Jose Lima. You gotta be kindney me. @ettin those are for you.
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