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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. It certainly wasn't like 1985, that's for sure.
  2. I expect Minasian to aggressively pursue good clubhouse guys.
  3. Can we get back to this idea of blarg being a pimp?
  4. Do you remember the 21st night of September... Happy Sept. 21st!
  5. The world is full of hypocrites and stupid people. Those working in the media have become wealthy and famous pointing them out on a daily basis. Hell, now they're even making their rivals/competition part of the news. I refuse to be outraged by it all. It's ALL kind of dumb.
  6. Happy birthday, @HanfordGuy! The big five-oh!
  7. I think he will aggressively pursue the players he wants in order to fill the needs the Angels have. Don’t all GM’s do that? It’s just a matter of budget, player interest, timing and opportunity. I expect him to improve the team, just like I expect that from the GM every year. if he follows the Braves model, we should see some early activity during the Hot Stove season.
  8. People who claim they have and still can beat the crap out of Eric Church.
  9. People who leave those floss sticks in the parking lot.
  10. The border situation is getting out of control. Maybe they should send some of those armed drones down there since they have experience killing civilians with them. - What Norm MacDonald might have said...
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