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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I want to see Revad break the internet.... or at least AW.
  2. I'm as frustrated as many of you - I just don't show it the same way. Actually, I just sort of roll with how things are and find other ways to occupy my time. The thing I hate most is the uncertainty I feel about the future. I'd like to find reasons to be optimistic because that's my nature - but that seems like a difficult task. Don't get me wrong - I don't obsess about it. Angels baseball is just sort of fading into the background. I still check in and watch games - just not with any regularity. As great as Trout is and as amazing as Ohtani is - it's hard to get excited about a team that isn't winning. And it's hard to get excited about a team that doesn't show any promise for the immediate future. Once again - the Angels will head into the off-season with tons of questions marks and holes to fill. AND... we have the CBA looming.... Baseball is a big part of what I like to watch for entertainment purposes and to talk about with friends. It just hasn't been entertaining of late and there's not much to talk about - unless you want to vent (which I guess I'm doing now). Baseball is supposed to be fun. I'd just like it to actually be fun again.
  3. From a fan's point of view (mine), it just seem like the Angels are a disorganized mess. Before the season we were fed lines about defense and the importance of a good catcher, and playing 1985 style baseball, but not much about the season reflected any of that. Then came the injuries (lots of them and to key players) and what appeared to be miss-information about how long players would be out, etc. Along the way, we learned the scouting department was reduced dramatically and then we had issues come to light in the media with how the minor leaguers were supposedly being treated. The Skaggs stuff resurfaced. Calloway happened. Renigfo's issues made the news. The trade deadline came and went and players many thought would be traded for prospects - didn't get traded for one reason or another. The inactivity was alarming to some. From a fan's point of view - there's nothing happening that gives us much confidence that things will get better. When one of the season's bright spots was releasing Albert Pujols, you know it's not a great season. In the back drop is this belief/notion that Arte meddles with the front office. There's the poor track record of acquiring top of the rotation pitching via free agency and the lack of developing that from within (although that seems to be a bit better now). We watched the defense implode. We watched the pitching suffer. We saw more new names in the lineup than we can ever remember. At times it felt like the Angels were having open try-outs for guys who were playing in some beer league. You know your team sucks when Jack Mayfield makes the most headlines of late... Just for fun, we saw Darron Sutton dismissed and a guy with zero previous play by play experience fill in for a mid-season acquisition - who spends his weekends announcing football games (I can't even remember his name). We spent game after game, wondering what in the heck Joe Maddon is doing. Granted, we do that with every manager - but this season it seemed like that was happening more than ever before. I'm probably leaving some stuff out - but it's enough to make us all wonder... "What's next?" I'm still a fan, but my interest in the team was less than I can ever remember. It seems like uncertainty surrounds the future. That's not fun.
  4. MacDonald on Trump and political comedy as a whole...
  5. You can't post porn on this message board! I mean she's talking about "grip" and "ball position" and then there's the thing at the 3:35 mark of the video....
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