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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Better not read my comments to AO then....
  2. It's funny... I can't find any publication that links to the actual PEW study. One sight references Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64 - but doesn't link to it. I searched for it... Well, here is the link to that study: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/dataset/american-trends-panel-wave-64/ https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/03/26/worries-about-coronavirus-surge-as-most-americans-expect-a-recession-or-worse/ And that study doesn't touch on mental health at all. I only glanced through it, but I didn't see anything. It's my nature to question outlandish stuff like this... I usually find it's all smoke.
  3. I hear being a minor league baseball player pays well.
  4. This is all a hoax, but a vaccine is being developed just in case. Newsom will be shutting down the state for a couple weeks to flatten the curve of mosquito bites. Wearing socks will soon be mandatory.
  5. Prior to last season, it was widely known that in order for Eppler to keeps his job, the Angels had to win. They did not and he lost his job. So... please explain to me how the narrative about Arte not caring about winning has any merit?
  6. Newts have the ability to regenerate limbs, eyes, spinal cords, hearts, intestines, and upper and lower jaws!
  7. It's been $3.799 per gallon at my Costco for a couple months now.
  8. I didn't know you were a Dodger fan.
  9. All baseball players want to win (except for Anthony Rendon who doesn't care). What's the big deal?
  10. Does anyone go to Frank and Sons? I haven't been in years.
  11. "Joe is such a great communicator" - Joe Maddon
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