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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I'm looking for my prepared post and I can't find it just yet.
  2. I knew it... you put that song in my head once before and now you've done it again!
  3. MLB clubs aren't paying for streaming services? Oh, the humanity! This is an outrage!
  4. And... he's won a WS, been an MVP, won a Cy Young and is married to Kate Upton. His life does not suck.
  5. Verlander wasn't coming to the Angels because he is still PO'd about Aybar trying to bunt his way on base during his no-hitter bid.
  6. Eppler got a four year deal... so the speculation/chatter that any GM would only have a year is false.
  7. Ervin actually follows 200K+ people on Twitter... even me. Jose Bautista is another one who follows random fans.
  8. Ervin invited me to a "business opportunity" meeting. Something about Amway.
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