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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I like that Minasian is executing a plan successfully so far and that he continues to be aggressive early.
  2. I don't know who, but I'm guessing it will be via a trade.
  3. @Slegnaac very sorry for your huge loss. Before I I got married, I didn't like cats much, but I didn't know much about them. My wife had two and they quickly became two of my best friends. They both lived into their 20's and when they passed, they definitely left a hole in my heart. My mother-in-law also had a cat that became close to me and my wife - she had to be put down in 2020, she was 18 years old. I'm the one that had to take each of the cats to the vet when their time came... I held all 3 of them when they passed away. Gut wrenching and heart breaking stuff. We lost the last of our two cats in 2015 and it wasn't until December of last year that we got another... we got two, actually. Both rescues and both amazing in their own ways. I love them both very much and we're very blessed to have them. I think most people who don't like cats have never had cats.
  4. Congratulations. Looking forward to the made-for-TV movie about your life.
  5. So, can we jump to the conclusion that the Angels won't be players on any of the big SS FA's?
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