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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I was there and I still think it was amazing. I couldn't believe it when it happened.
  2. I think the Angels and Reds remain "far apart" because Castillo isn't going to be traded.
  3. Never said that would be the only reason and I'm just posting what I heard on the radio.
  4. Reports are that the Mets are likely to sign Scherzer... Reason? They're going to be the highest bidders. Scherzer is going to make a financial decision. He's going to the highest bidder and it's unlikely anyone will outbid Cohen. Scherzer is an Association Player Rep and that adds to the likelihood that he's not going to turn down the highest bid for his services. This is what I garnered from MLB Network radio this morning.
  5. I’m surprised no one has asked if this guy has moxie?
  6. I actually drive by the stadium every morning between 7:15 and 7:30 a.m. There are usually around 10-12 cars in the lot by the offices every day. Today was no different. The morning they announced the Syndergaard signing - there was definitely more.
  7. If Minasian and his team have interest, I'm good with that.
  8. Very impressive victory by Gonzaga last night... Wow.
  9. I'm surprised Albert Pujols hasn't signed yet. MLB is disrespecting mang, big time.
  10. When did peeing in the shower become political?
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