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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Look at some old videos from his Blind Date gig... his new head is much bigger.
  2. I'm not signing anything written by AO. On advice from my attorney @cals
  3. Did you guys start without me? I'm almost ready to head out there. Wimp.
  4. Latest catch... 2.52 largemouth bass...
  5. Exactly. At the same time - the Mets and Dodgers can take a hit if a contract that big doesn't work out. The Angels? Well, history has shown that big, bad contracts hinder the team's ability to sign additional talent to some degree.
  6. Scherzer can't pitch at a high level forever... sooner or later, he's going to regress. The Mets are betting it will be later, but they're one of the few teams that can afford to take on that much risk.
  7. I guess all we have regarding Ray being on top of the Angels list is bow tie's word on it. I find it hard to believe that was ever true, all things considered.
  8. My question for Arte is if not now, then when? What is he waiting for? if there was ever a time to go all in, it’s now, right?
  9. Drove my Chevy to the Pitching levy, but the levy was dry...
  10. Why anyone even responds to him is beyond me. It's much easier putting him on ignore.
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