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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. You know something somewhat lost in all of this is the fact Kole Calhoun is a Ranger. That's just effin' wrong.
  2. There goes my idea for a billboard. Photo of two Anaheim Ducks next to Gosselin. Caption: Duck, Duck, Goose. I'll see myself out now. @ettin might appreciate this though.
  3. If they don't reach an agreement by midnight, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be a lock out. The "lock out" is a negotiation ploy. If the two sides are close to an agreement or at least working towards one, the owners won't necessarily institute a lock out.
  4. I just want to say that even though I honestly believe Arte deserves blame for any overall failures, he also deserves praise for any organizational success.
  5. Just fly into Mexico and walk across the border. Easy peasy.
  6. Well, yeah! They should. I mean anything less than a million bucks is scraping by.
  7. I'll do my part. What is my part? What is anyone's role for that matter?
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