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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. How's it a bad look? To who? I doubt most people give a rip.
  2. Do Angels fans actually care? I don't.
  3. Being at Jered Weaver's no hitter was one of the best baseball experiences I've ever had. It was special because of who he is and what he has meant to the Angels. I'd be happier to see either, but like others have said - it depends on who is accomplishing the feat.
  4. Rather than bitch about it, post some random gifs or pics. Oh wait... you need the government to do it for you, right?
  5. I don't put anything on my steak and I prefer it medium... but I don't judge how others eat theirs.
  6. What you put on a hotdog is an entirely different matter though.
  7. OR…. People should be able to eat their steak however the hell they want with whatever condiments they choose.
  8. So when Lou’s virus mutates, we’ll have Lou-Vid or Lou-Rona? And we can probably assume there will be no cure.
  9. Merry Christmas! Look at @Chuckster70 wearing his shades inside the house. If you're going to do that, they should light up, bro. Wishing you and all of AW all the best!
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