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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Let me rephrase... I didn't know so many people on AW were desperate for company.
  2. I had no idea there were so many lonely people on AW.
  3. I think Junior is under-rated to some degree. The guy was a tremendous talent (obviously). Some things that really stood out to me were the back to back years he hit 56 homers and his ten consecutive gold gloves. As far as who is better? I don't think it matters. It's kind of funny how baseball fans (and many fans in general) have this need to compare players and argue about who is better. I get it. It's part of being a fan, I guess. Junior was a generational talent for sure. So is Trout. The one thing they both have in common is that neither has played in the World Series...
  4. You're just the person most likely to inject politics into any given thread. Dude, you have priors.
  5. @Taylor you're the most divisive person on AW.
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