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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Again, no vaccine is 100% effective, but I've decreased my odds of getting Covid by being vaccinated and boosted and I've dramatically reduced the chance that if I become a breakthrough case, that I'll be severely sick and end up in the hospital. I may very well get Covid, but I take precautions... Heck, I haven't even had a cold in ten+ years. I've always been careful. People who aren't vaccinated are more likely to get Covid and therefore more likely to spread it. It's simple math. No one is saying you are 100% guaranteed not to get Covid if vaccinated. People who refused to get vaccinated are also more likely not to wear masks, take precautions, etc. Funny that YOU would bring up "credibility." That's effing hysterical. Anyway, I've said all I have to say about this.
  2. So... we can round and round about this forever... and some have... At the end of the day. I respect anyone's decision not to get vaccinated. I think it should be a choice. I am opposed to mandates, but I have chosen to get vaccinated and boosted. I did my own research, but my sources aren't social media, etc. I read up on what places like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, etc. had to say about the vaccine. That's good enough for me. I'm more concerned about the long time side effects of having Covid more than the notion of any long term side effects of having the vaccine. What I don't respect is those who choose not to get vaccinated, but go out and get a fake card to show proof of vaccination and then go about doing whatever the heck they want. That shows a lack of accountability and responsibility. If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine. Just be responsible with how you interact with others.
  3. Two doses of MMR vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles; one dose is about 93% effective. Imagine if there was a measles outbreak for the first time... lots vaccinated people would still get measles.
  4. Measles vaccine is not 100% effective. No vaccine is.
  5. Anyone else uncomfortable watching these two flirt with each other?
  6. The funny thing is if you look up the effectiveness of any vaccine... small pox, chicken pox, mumps, etc. - none of them are 100% effective.
  7. I used to venture into areas some people might consider sketchy... but times have changed and I wouldn't do it now.
  8. The whole post or about our trip to Poly?
  9. I don't know what your point is. And this was in the 80's.
  10. Years ago, I wanted to break into covering high school basketball and took a "job" with the now defunct Herald Examiner. They basically paid you by the game - not really a full time job. My first assignment was a game at Manual Arts High School, who played against Los Angeles High School. It was quite the experience. I definitely stood out in the crowd, but I didn't have any problems at all. Covered the game, interviewed the coach and had my first published piece in the next day's paper. My next assignment was to travel to Fremont High School (at least, I think that was the school). I was prepared to go, but then I read about a shooting on campus. I decided right there, it wasn't worth it and I quit. I have a diverse background, so I usually can sort of blend in just about anywhere. Back in the day, I'd go to games at Crenshaw or other locations, some might not venture to. I once went to check out a summer league game a LB Poly and I took a friend of mine with me, who is 6'6" and white. We walked into the gym and I could tell he was instantly uneasy... I asked him if he waned to leave and he said, "yes." We left. I used to take the Blue Line to downtown LA for work. I took the train for 12 years. The train passed by the Watts Towers. I saw some interesting stuff on that line, but never had any trouble. My favorite story is seeing two guys on the train and one says the other... "When did you get out?" I could write a book about riding on that line for 12 years. I have since changed jobs and I haven't been on that line since 2015. Times have changed. I don't know that I would do any of those things now.
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