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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. It stopped being special a while ago. I’d still like to visit some day, because I love baseball - but I stopped caring about who gets in a long time ago.
  2. I wrote this a while back... Bengie Molina, one of my all-time favorites announced his retirement today (Feb. 7, 2012). I will miss him for his engaging personality (he was always tremendous with fans), his clutch hitting (I always felt good when Bengie came to the plate with runners in scoring position), and his awesome defense (he won gold gloves in 2002 and 2003). The one thing he wasn’t known for is his speed or lack of it, so to speak and yet – my fondest memories of Bengie involve a couple events on the base paths. It started on May 16, 2006 when he was a member of the Toronto Blue Jays and his team was in Anaheim to play the Angels. His brother – Jose Molina was the starting catcher for the Angels that evening. In the bottom of the 6th with Angels leading 3-0, Jose stole second base off his brother Bengie. Jose would score that inning and the Angels would go on to win 8-3, but the fun was just getting started. The next night (May 17, 2006), in the top of the 2nd in a scoreless game Bengie would try to get a little revenge and attempt to steal a base against his brother. He was gunned down and the Angels would go down 3-0 that night. But this is not where the story or the memory ends… Four month later, on September 9, 2006 Bengie would exact his revenge. In the top of the 4th with his team trailing 1-0, Bengie would go lumbering down the base path to steal second (the third and last stolen base of his entire career). He would go on to score as his team would win 2-1. The smile on his face must have been priceless (hard to tell from my seats). I know I had to smile as I recalled the events of the year leading up to this moment. It was almost predictable. Two brothers were living our their sibling rivalry on major league playing field. It was priceless to watch and something I will always remember.
  3. More importantly, do you know about Frank "Ponch" Poncharello?
  4. I never liked How I Met Your Mother. That show just irritated me for some reason. It just made me feel anxious and cranky for some reason.
  5. Been there. Done that for sure. I used to go fishing with a friend who had a bass boat and I would have a semi-anxiety attack every time I had to back his boat down... He moved out of state a while ago and I haven't had an opportunity to do it since. Putting my kayak in the water is much easier!
  6. How mRNA and DNA vaccines could soon treat cancers, HIV, autoimmune disorders and genetic diseases. Thanks, Covid!
  7. I won’t be surprised if no one is selected.
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