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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Very happy for you and your family, Chuck. BTW… You’re in a great bass fishing state!
  2. I really don't care. So again.... relax
  3. AJ and the word "magical" have a history. It was a joke.
  4. As for Jeter... Given the impressive list of women he's dated over the years, he's most definitely a top ten player.
  5. Dude, relax. The term "greatest" or even "most valuable" can be and is often "subjective." Your personal definition of greatest isn't universal.
  6. Imagine the shock... https://www.yahoo.com/gma/family-sues-hospital-dna-test-014253365.html
  7. Quick.. Kenny Lofton story... I was attending a conference in San Diego at the Manchester Grand Hyatt and the Phillies happened to be staying in the same hotel (playing the Padres, obviously). My wife and I were in the lobby and my wife asked Kenny Lofton for his autograph.. .he smiled, and said, "I don't sign in hotels, but he does..." and he pointed at Jimmy Rollins, who was kind enough to sign a baseball for her. The Mets also came to town during my conference and they too stayed at the hotel....
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