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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Things you’ve used to wipe your butt instead of toilet paper.
  2. AO isn't necessarily the hero we want... but he's the hero we need deserve.
  3. This thread makes me want to see the lockout last another couple months.
  4. These guys have made a living off stuff like that... https://www.youtube.com/c/DudePerfect/videos
  5. Right or wrong... the lockout gave the owners more leverage. If they hadn't - the players would have had the ability to strike at any time... including during the season - which happened previously.
  6. Wake up sheeple. Disney still owns the Angels and Arte is just a CGI created character!
  7. Apparently, it takes a long time for those kits to get here from China.
  8. When are you going to fix the CBA with MLB? Hurry up, already.
  9. John Lackey not resigning with the Angels and then to going to Boston of all places. He immediately became dead to me.
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