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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. That Russian oil we are buying must be expensive
  2. Happy Birthday @tdawg87. Hope you get to spend the day in your bunk!
  3. You should say... "Hello, Hello?" after someone hangs up on you unexpectedly.
  4. I doubt he gives a rip. I doubt he even looks at Twitter. He's a billionaire. This isn't a rough day.
  5. Ok, but have you ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?
  6. Cheap? I don't think so. Not great at building a winning baseball franchise? Perhaps.
  7. Just to be clear, I'm not necessarily anti-Moreno. Whether or not he sells the team isn't relevant to me because it's something that's totally out of my control. Him being the owner doesn't impact my fandom. Yes, I have reservations about him and tons of questions about the decisions he makes, but at the end of the day - it doesn't matter that much to me. I am not going to pretend that I know his mindset. I don't. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he wants to win, but I just question the way he's gone about trying to accomplish that. I'm still an Angels fan, but I'm not necessarily a Moreno fan. And again, I'm not necessarily anti-Moreno. That might not make sense... I'm an Angels fan first... everything else is kind of just noise.
  8. BTW... when I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be about Canadians.
  9. Our first clue that Moreno wasn't necessarily the best of owners came in an article by Scott Miller of CBS Sports in 2013 about the 2012 season Excerpt: Since his first full year as owner of the Angels in 2004, Moreno has fired close to 40 members of the front office, baseball operations department and scouting and medical staffs. The Angels maintain a skeletal front-office staff in many areas, and one of the leanest game-day staffs in all of baseball. If someone is let go, there often is no replacement hired. Moreno is said to gouge hours from his low-paid employees. As for the club being on-deck to miss the playoffs for a fourth consecutive year, many in the organization thought the team needed more pitching help rather than Pujols during the winter of 2011-2012 when Moreno decided on the Cardinals free agent. After all, the Angels at that point already had a slugging first baseman in Kendrys Morales. Last winter, many key members of the baseball operations department wanted to make more of an effort to re-sign Zack Greinke, but it was Moreno who steered them to free agent Josh Hamilton. Though he has spent millions on players, including a record $153 million on this year’s payroll, many people both inside and outside of the Angels organization agree that Moreno’s reign of terror has created obstacles not only impossible for the club to overcome, but ones that have shifted the Angels into reverse. When the decision was made to pursue Vernon Wells from Toronto before the 2011 season, a move Scioscia is said to have endorsed, it was Moreno, one source says, who threatened then-GM Tony Reagins with a firing if Reagins didn’t consummate the deal within 24 hours. Moreno is described as being chapped at having lost free agent Adrian Beltre to the Rangers roughly two weeks earlier, and that helps explain why, in an agreement that utterly stunned almost everybody in the game, the Angels agreed to pay all but $5 million of the $86 million to a player that Toronto was so eager to offload that the Jays surely could have been persuaded to pay millions more. “Arte needs to stay out of the baseball business,” one baseball person says. “Arte thinks he knows the game. He doesn’t know the game. He only knows the money, the business side.” The whole article is pretty interesting... and this was written in 2013. Nine years later... well, things haven't gotten any better.
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