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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. The funny thing is many of you actually believe this.
  2. I've been exploring a lot of "YouTube artists" this one caught my eye ear...
  3. I'm guessing some of you missed the fact that this was a MINOR LEAGUE deal.
  4. I'm not necessarily sold on Minasian yet - but what do people expect him to say?
  5. I think some fans have lost sight of the fact that the Angels have a pretty good core.
  6. All this... and in the background we have Trout saying... "he's OBVIOUSLY not done."
  7. Very sorry for your loss, Strad. Cancer is a MF.
  8. Ted Williams was a fighter pilot in the war... I don't think media scrutiny would be any pressure to him.
  9. I made that joke in the SS thread... but had the good sense to delete it after I posted it.
  10. Again... Congratulations. How did I miss this news?
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