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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Am I missing something? Some of you act like Barria is Nolan Ryan
  2. @Taylor you got your wish... the Angels are playing the Mariners.
  3. Damn this is good.... Only saw E1 so far. Looking forward to binging the rest.
  4. One of the many things I find interesting (to put it nicely) is how some AW regulars will make a statement like that and say it with some sort of authority. Claude did this all the time. The truth is we don't know. We can speculate but to say there's "zero reason" - is kind of foolish. It's the kind of thing that gets Lou'd all the time. Not trying to single you out Strad - lots of AW folks do this and some more than others (not necessarily you). It's one of the things that made Claude a pain in the butt.
  5. I have no idea if Erstad would make a good manager. I believe it would be popular with a lot of fans, but that alone isn't a reason to put him in that role. He was a good leader as a player (from what I could tell), but again - I don't know how that translates. I imagine coaching 18-22 year olds is a lot different than coaching major league players. I'd like to see how the rest of the season plays out under Nevin.... I mean, as players they were both red asses... and Nevin has already shown that "firey" side some fans have been craving. I get that appeal... it feels good, etc. - but I'm curious to see how the team responds moving forward.
  6. What does that mean? Drafting what? You mean recruiting?
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