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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Well, I don't know how to evaluate baseball talent. I can't break down a swing or look at someone's pitching mechanics and understand what's going on, etc. Most of all, I'm not going to try and pretend like I know how to. I don't get overly excited about rankings either. Plenty of players who have made good contributions, weren't highly rated and vice versa.
  2. Personally, I reserve judgment on all prospects.
  3. Mike "Found On Road Dead" Mike "Fix Or Repair Daily"
  4. I had one and it was fine. No issues, no pain.
  5. At this rate, we'll have 26 or more threads about players who "suck" on the Angels and they will all be justified. Plus threads about coaches, the owner, front office, ticket takers, parking attendants, hot dog vendors, broadcasters, Team store salespeople, grounds keepers, scoreboard operator, ushers, and.... That's the kind of year 2022 has been.
  6. Will he? Seems like the front office is constructing coaching staffs now. Montgomery was a Minasian hire, wasn't he?
  7. Finished S1 of "The Tunnel" on Amazon. It got better with each episode and I thought it was very good. Another great suggestion. Still working on "Counterpart" and "Grandchester" - but "The Tunnel" got to be so good, I couldn't leave it to watch the others.
  8. I will take this a step further and question how coaching staffs are even assembled today. Seems like MLB (for the most part) has moved away from managers selecting their staffs and now front offices are dictating who is going to be on the coaching staff. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. The front office seems to have more overall power than ever before - dictating lineups, shifts, etc. I find it interesting when players are on the field, they have to refer to cards to tell them where to stand. I have no idea what makes a good coach. They seem to get much of the blame when things go bad and not much credit when things are going well. Seems to me baseball has become more science and less art. I don't think I like that very much. They've taken a simple game and made it much more complex. All this talk about launch angles and spin rates is getting to be a bit much. I know this might be a bit off topic, but I think coaches are coaching different things now.
  9. That's a popular narrative among fans, but I'd like to see some hard evidence of that. I'm not talking anecdotal information either... I'd like to see comprehensive proof of that.
  10. I think the players, coaches and front office staff should answer questions from fans via a call in radio or TV show while being hooked up to a lie detector for at least two hours after every game.
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