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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. @Jeff Fletcher, Thank you. The timing for all of this is perfect and this last piece gives me hope. I truly appreciate your contributions to this site and your patience with us when we throw questions at you. You continue to go above and beyond and I feel fortunate that you’ve chosen to interact with us.
  2. True. Still... $3 billion is a nice consolation prize. I'm not defending Arte. In fact, the article gave me a whole new perspective about the man. I'm disgusted, but at the end of the day stuff like this is out of my control. Arte isn't dumb, he's just not a great baseball team owner.
  3. Minasian has his work cut out for him. I'm disappointed in what has transpired under Arte's ownership, but I'm hopeful that new ownership can right the ship. They can't get here soon enough. What a cluster-F.
  4. The Yankees were in a similar situation with Aaron Judge. They still don't know if he will sign elsewhere... They were in "win now" mode so they had no choice but to keep Judge and risk him walking in his FA year. The Angels are also claiming that they're in "win now" mode. If that's true - they have no choice but to keep Ohtani.
  5. He'll be 36 when the season starts... he's due to regress, right?
  6. It's on Prime now. I watched it and really enjoyed it.
  7. Prime: Goodnight Oppy Documentary about the Mars land rovers. It was good and even a little inspiring. I learned a lot about the program. It was an amazing journey for sure.
  8. I like saying the Dodgers 2020 WS win wasn't real just to PO Dodger fans.
  9. I remember him with the Astros when he was described as having a "Barry Bonds like" swing.
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