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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Let me just add this... Even if NJHalo knows this guy well. I'm going to assume he told NJ this information in confidence. Correct me if I'm wrong. And yet... the information gets posted on a public message board? Really? That's messed up, IMO.
  2. You're over thinking it. There's no conspiracy. I'm sure Chuck got his information from NJHalo. NJHalo has shared "inside information" with this board and Chuck before.
  3. So @Taylor - No response? Typical. Throw shit against the wall and when someone calls you on it, you become a cricket.
  4. Still not enough for me. Some media people have agendas. And what kind of a "baseball media celeb" spouts gossip like that with a bunch of people I assume he doesn't know very well or only knows casually?
  5. The context... It had something to do with the all-star game. When asked if he was going to watch the game, he said... "No, baseball is boring."
  6. He stated that watching baseball was "boring." He never said he hates baseball
  7. Which is silly because not every advertising/marketing person is like Arte and to assume so is kind of dumb.
  8. Because he's likely to be hitting with the bases empty?
  9. Claude did this all the time. It's probably the thing that I disliked about him the most.
  10. Even though that may be true, it is still funny to me that you can generalize that stuff and assume it's true with Rendon. If you had said... "maybe he's burnt out" rather than "he's burnt out" - I'd accept that. Maybe I'm nitpicking. Lots of fans on AW make assumptions and then state their opinion as if they're facts. It's funny to me.
  11. We live in a culture where people are quick to judge without knowing all the facts. They judge based on perception. Sometimes those perceptions are wrong, but that doesn't stop them from doing it again and again. Maybe Rendon is lazy ass athlete who just wants to take his money and sit at home. Maybe he's not. I don't understand why people feel the need to put someone in a box when they don't have all the answers. As I said before, the optics on Rendon look bad. Really bad. I'm disappointed in what he's been for the Angels, but I'm not about to hate on the guy.
  12. I find it laughable when fans pretend to know the mindset of someone else - a professional athlete no less. Maybe he is burnt out. Maybe he isn't.
  13. I don't know and I'm not going to pretend like I do.
  14. It's an interesting situation, made more complicated by his impending free agency. If was signed beyond this year, it would be an obvious choice for him to have surgery now (if that's what is needed) rather than wait. If he needs surgery and continues to play instead what does that tell us?
  15. At the end of the day this is a sad development for Ohtani the person. I can't imagine what is going through his mind right now. We had a front row seat to the greatest baseball show ever and we watched something truly unique and special. The word "awesome" is often over used, but that's exactly what Ohtani has been. His quest to become the best baseball player on the planet was fun to watch. I have no idea what is next for him, but I wish him the best. He's truly a humble human being who handled the spotlight with the utmost class. He never acted like he was bigger than the game. I hope he comes back from this in a huge way and continues to exceed expectations. I know I wouldn't bet against him.
  16. Ok, if that's true then I suppose it will eventually come out in the media.
  17. Again... maybe the Rendon stuff is true, but why hasn't the national or local media picked up on it at all? We have an AW member (NJ) citing insider information. Okay. Sure. Again, maybe it's true - but I need more.
  18. Is it really? I just have a hard time taking this kind of talk seriously when it comes from anonymous sources. Maybe it is true. I know the optics on Rendon looks bad, but I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. He once said "WATCHING baseball was boring" and people took that and turned it into "he HATES baseball." This isn't me defending him. This is me trying to look at things objectively. He's had bad luck. He did something really stupid in Oakland. I see all that. Again, the optics look bad. None of us really know the truth. And it doesn't help that he won't speak to the media. I get all that. I just hope the truth comes out at some point, regardless of what that truth actually is.
  19. He's not going to play a position on the field in the near future because he won't be able to throw! So this argument about him being able to or not being able to play a position is moot.
  20. Your AI assistant didn't tell you that I don't have a home address because I'm an AI bot myself? You probably purchased your AI assistant from the 99 Cent store.
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