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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Count me on the side of those who can't wait till the pitching staff has the names that we anticipated before the season started. Let's not forget Kevin Jepsen isn't far off either.
  2. Innings eater is code for... his ERA and WHIP are going to suck, but you can trot him out there inning after inning because he'll take a beating and keep coming back for more. No thank you. This one is on Jerry Dipoto... Blanton should be removed from the rotation and become a special assistant to the GM or throw batting practice to Josh Hamilton to boost his confidence. OR.... How about trading him to Japan?
  3. Thanks for the new insight and information.
  4. I remember a lot of people claiming that Beltre only hits well in contract years... Funny, how that worked out. He wasn't on the top of the list of a lot of Angel fans list back when he was a FA and that's for darn sure.
  5. I find it laughable that some people think they can tell how old someone is simply by looking at them; especially if you're trying to determine if they're only a couple years older. C'mon!
  6. And I hate it when a guy has a little success and all of a sudden some fans thinks he's the next great thing... for anyone to even remotely suggest that Shuck could produce at the same level as Peter Bourjos for an extended period of time is kind of crazy. I'm happy he's played well in the interim (my post wasn't about that) - I think his little bit of success is making some fans believe he can be something he's not.
  7. This is what fans do... they react to a small sample size and go over board...
  8. It doesn't matter what Arte says, people are going to believe whatever they want.
  9. I actually don't feel like posting when the Angels are losing. The conversations are basically the same from thread to thread and there's way too many personal attacks. I'd rather just focus on the game day predictions...
  10. Enright is one of Dipoto's guys... he came from Arizona.
  11. You know the saying... "Misery loves company..." Doesn't hold water with me. I'd rather surround myself with people who have a positive outlook.
  12. I hate losing. I'm as frustrated as anyone and yet I haven't missed going to a home game yet this season. I've been reading all the rants and quite frankly - I just want to know who's still in this thing. I know you're out there. I know that even though you're frustrated, you're not going anywhere and I'd just like to see you stand up and be counted in this thread. This isn't life or death stuff... it's baseball, but if you love baseball like I love baseball, then you probably want a place where you can rally around others. This thread is it. I know (boy do I know) - there will be many who will try to rain on this parade - but that's ok. If you're like me - you haven't responded to all the negativity and quite frankly some of the nonsense because you know it's pointless. And yet... you want to be heard... you want to express yourself and let everyone know that you're still here to watch and cheer and not disappear. You don't have to suffer in silence. I want to be surrounded by others who aren't giving up and not so bent on pointing fingers. There's plenty of other places to do that, but here; in this thread - it's about rallying together. It's about ignoring the crap and focusing on the games. We embrace the "one game at a time" mentality and we're proud of it. We're willing to turn the page rather than relive it over and over again. I know you're out there. Who's with me?
  13. I think the best deal Dipoto made is the one he made with the Angels as the interim GM of the DBacks... My biggest problem was the signing of Joe Blanton. That signing took place early in the FA process... Dec. 5. Never in my wildest dreams could I see Blanton signing for two years and $15 million. How does Blanton sign in December and Kyle Lohse not sign till the spring? Too many better pitchers were available and some for less than what Blanton signed for. It just doesn't make sense. I'm willing to give Dipoto the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't been on the job long enough, IMO. Acquiring Iannetta and Frieri were good moves. I like the Burnett signing too.
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