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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. yes, but from 2011 to 2013 Aybar is hitting .308 with a .357 OBP against Felix.
  2. I'm just glad the Angels aren't facing Iwakuma in this series.
  3. I think it's time to start a "let's move Josh Hamilton to CF" thread. j/k
  4. And Wilson benefited from Trout and Bourjos being in the outfield...
  5. At least Saunders has been to the post season more times than Dan Haren since the trade...
  6. I can see it now... IF the Angels were to trade Howie, they'd go out and sign Robinson Cano for some outrageous contract. No thank you.
  7. I have learned that I can't worry (too much) about things I can't control. I'll hope for the best wherever they put Hamilton. I think putting him in the #2 hole was a worthwhile experiment. How long he stays there is another issue.
  8. Justin Upton might have something to say about that "best" label.
  9. I take full credit for Albert's four hit night... I guess he doesn't want to be called "Al." Link (Please note tongue firmly in cheek)
  10. Man, I just love baseball. Every time you go to the park - something like this can happen.
  11. Just when I think this thread is about to die...
  12. in case anyone is interested... http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1991-03-24/sports/1991083112_1_gary-gaetti-batting-life Gaetti article from 1991.
  13. Great... now whenever IP posts, I'm going to picture him as Val Kilmer.
  14. This week, I'm also looking forward to seeing Joe Saunders return to Anaheim (although I hope the Angels beat him) and I'm looking forward to seeing local guy - Gerritt Cole come home on Friday to pitch for the Pirates.
  15. I saw that. I have no issues with it.
  16. Stradling... I agree! It's funny to watch how people react to IP, who actually provides some substance and real insight into most of the discussions here.
  17. I'm a glutton for punishment and watch because I love baseball. I never get tired of watching Mike Trout, hate to miss a Jered Weaver start, enjoy the effort Mark Trumbo gives every game and I'm enjoying Peter Bourjos' break out season.
  18. The first pitch was a called strike.
  19. Just saying... you'll have to read the blog to see the connection.... but the short version is that he's not Albert right now... I'll just call him Al instead...
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