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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. rumor has it that it was AO who ran on the field at Angels Stadium this weekend. When they grabbed him, he demanded a face to face with Scioscia. They stuffed in cell deep in the tunnels of the stadium where AO came face to face with.... Tony Reagins. The two embraced and plotted their escape only to be thwarted by Jose Guillen who squealed to the authorities. No one knows their whereabouts now.
  2. Trout will be using the down time to work on a cure for cancer, feed the homeless and bring about world peace. He doesn't have time to participate in such trivial things.
  3. The only thing we know for sure is that Trout is an Angel.
  4. You know if opposing managers would only start right handed pitchers against the Angels we wouldn't have this issue. Put the blame where it belongs
  5. I agree... He could take a page out of Torii Hunter's book.
  6. I still watch when he comes up to bat. Yes, it's frustrating at times, but baseball in general can be frustrating at times. I still look at any glimpse of his former self as a possible start to something good. He's not going anywhere, so I might as well keep watching and hoping. I doubt he's ever going to be what he once was - but if he can help this team win, I'll live with it. I have issues with what appears to me to be lack of leadership, but that's for another time. In the meantime, there's so many other compelling stories on this team to focus on. I'm enjoying the season despite AP's streaks of under performance.
  7. I will do my part for #VoteGRich - It seems to me that most Angel fans are apathetic about voting for all-stars though. Throughout the years it seems that our players don't get enough votes from the fans.
  8. One of my favorite writers Joe Posnanski penned a great piece about Raul recently. You can read it here: http://joeposnanski.com/joeblogs/raul/#more-2198 You won't be disappointed.
  9. I am a huge fan of Mike Scioscia, the man. Even though I don't know him personally, I respect and admire the way he carries himself and how he conducts himself in public view. I often think back to when Nick Adenhart was killed and how Scioscia handled that tragedy - never making it about him or the team and always keeping the focus on Nick's family. I admire the way he seems to keep things in perspective. I respected the way he handled Jose Guillen even though Guillen was a key part of the team's offense. There are many examples of instances where Scioscia did something that made me admire him more. Thanks, Joe for sharing this story. It gives us a little more insight into Mike Scioscia, the man and we all need to see a little bit more of that. I'm never surprised when I hear about stories like this when it comes to Scioscia because in my mind - he's always about doing the right thing.
  10. not bad for a guy who likes to eat a lot of hamburgers in the off season.
  11. I hope I never take it for granted that I get to watch Mike Trout on a regular basis. I can't get enough. I remember thinking how lucky I was when the Angels signed Vlad... but this is different. Every time he does something amazing, I'm not surprised. I have come to expect amazing from Trout and that says a lot. So, maybe I'm already taking him for granted....
  12. great... this probably means ticket prices are going to go up.
  13. I really hate that Bengie Molina is on their coaching staff... that's just not right.
  14. It's clear now the Angels could have traded Ibanez to the Royals for a package of young prospects.
  15. Only if he changes his name back to Mike. Giancarlo just doesn't sound tough enough.
  16. Raul Ibanez has homered for the Royals...
  17. I have always hated the A's more...
  18. Bummer. I've always been a Joe Saunders fan.
  19. maybe it's just me... but I find it kind of perfect that the team I hate the most will continue to play in that pit of a stadium.
  20. I'm picturing a monstrous homerun by Mike Trout that breaks the scoreboard as lightning strikes... ala... the Natural.
  21. Victor Rojas made a great point on twitter... had numbers persisted - Ernesto was a non-tender candidate. Dipoto did get something for Ernesto when there wasn't a market for him - it might not pan out, but worth a shot.
  22. next up... sign Scott Downs and trade for LaTroy Hawkins. We need more veterans. Get Percival off the couch.
  23. I plan to judge Grilli solely on the music he has playing when he walks in from the bullpen.
  24. I don't understand the whole "change of scenery" thing. If your stuff sucks, what does changing uniforms do for you?
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