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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Who needs the World Cup... this is much better.
  2. I didn't know they were filming scenes for the next blooper reel today.
  3. Trout has clearly lost a step at age 22... what a shame... he used to be so fast.
  4. I can live with not booing him... if it means he's out of baseball... but for the record... If he ever has a son who makes it to the major leagues, I will boo him too.
  5. We clearly need a point, counter point for Josh Hamilton's hitting.
  6. Aybar, what in the heck are you do.... hey, nice hustle Erick!
  7. He obviously doesn't want to win bad enough....
  8. He's streaky.... I'm not worried... well, maybe a little bit... but not much... at least not yet. I do suspect his thumb is bothering him some.
  9. I've tracked HaloRed16 down... He's here:
  10. They should make a movie about their GM.
  11. Maybe Green needs some PT so that other teams can scout him as a potential trade chip.
  12. I'm going to pull for Todd Frazier... I love when mlb network radio has him on... he seems like a fun dude who doesn't take himself too seriously.
  13. Nicely done. You know what's funny? Arte Moreno is supposed to be this marketing genius and the team store doesn't even sell Calhoun shirts.
  14. I often stop and think about what it means to have Mike Trout in Anaheim. I'm dead serious. We are really lucky to get to watch this guy play for our favorite team night in and night out. I try very hard not to take it for granted that he's here doing incredible things. I don't understand why the stadium isn't sold out every night and why people are flocking to the stadium to see a once-in-a-lifetime talent like Trout. He's doing things that no one else has ever done and a lot of us take it for granted. I think about the fans who got to watch Willie Mays day in and day out or Mickey Mantle and think - we have that same privilege right now. Parents should be taking their sons and daughters to see Mike Trout because his time in the MLB will go fast. Think about some of the great athletes who you wish you had gone to see more of when they were here.
  15. If I can figure it out... you can figure it out... given the name of my blog.
  16. I'm glad he's pitching well... but he still scares me. I've said this before... he has priors and the wounds are too fresh to forget. Hope he keeps it up, but I hold my breath every time he comes out.
  17. some of us wanted him because we needed a guitar player for the band.
  18. My dream would be to see Tulo and Longoria side by side in Anaheim, but some dreams are meant to be just that... dreams. Go Dirtbags!
  19. Now this is Clutch... Clutch Cargo.
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