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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Matt Dominguez looks like he could have been in the movie Samdlot.
  2. Weaver did his part... time for the rest to pick him up
  3. The next best thing to the Angels doing so well is the A's doing so poorly. I feel guilty (but onlly a little) about how much pleasure I take in their recent demise and the gnashing of teeth that is going on in their fan base. I just hate the A's.
  4. What happens to batting average when player traded? The real answer is that the average usually goes down... see Albert... Josh.... I kid, I kid... Well, sort of
  5. I think it's all in his head. I find it curious that he has sold t-shirts on his web-site that say "Throw Strikes" and when he gets runners on base - he slows down a ton. He thinks too much. He knows has to throw strikes and probably thinks about it way too much instead of just going out there and relaxing. I wonder what kind of a race car driver he is. It's kind of like a discussion I heard years ago about A-Rod in the post-season... some speculated that he choked because he over thought each at bat... where a guy like Manny Ramirez excels because it's all about "see the ball, hit the ball." Who really knows what's up? All we can do is speculate and hope he turns it around. This team needs C.J. to be good.
  6. I was lucky enough to be in the Trout farm that night.
  7. Every baseball message board has threads like these... it comes with the territory. The great thing about this board is most people here have the ability to laugh at themselves and eat crow when appropriate. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing... to see the Angels win.
  8. I like the mentality of knowing that the work isn't done yet. This past weekend was everything we could hope for and more... It was great all the way around. The team performed well, Angels fans showed up and were into the game, and the icing on the cake was checking in on mlbnetwork radio to hear A's fans act like the world was ending. It was beautiful... but it will pale in comparison to the moment this team actually clinches the AL West.
  9. The biggest news is that AO gets his wish and this sets up AO to be the next manager of the team.
  10. i like making fun of A's fans as much as the next guy... okay, maybe even a little more than the next guy, but some of them are actually knowledgeable. Every fan base feels like they've been done wrong at one time or another - this instance isn't any different. I'm just glad we benefited this time around because it's always nice to get a break now and then.
  11. Like others have said... I like Salas so long as he doesn't come in with men on base.
  12. I find Trout's complaining about balls and strikes annoying too... Doesn't mean I don't think he's the best in the game... I was happy to see him go first pitch swinging against Gray last night, even though he flied out.
  13. I haven't participated in the flashing light deal at the stadium, but after hearing how much A's fans hate it, I might have to!!
  14. I want to see the A's leave Anaheim Sunday with bloody noses and their heads hanging low. Let's do this.
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