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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Well, we all know Hamilton will be back in the 4 hole when he returns... and this board will have a field day yet again.
  2. They are feasting on the AL Central... 23-9 going into today's game.
  3. Freese with a 3 run jimmy jack... Crow will be served soon.
  4. After the series in Minnesota the Angels moved up to 9th in MLB in runs scored post-all-star break.
  5. Good thing about playing the NL West is that the Angels travel schedule will be much better.
  6. You can fast forward to 2015 on the Angels web site... Angels open in Seattle on April 6 and close in Texas on Oct. 4. Inter-leagues games with the NL West.
  7. I had to post this... took the photo at spring training in 2010.
  8. I lived through it all too, but I am not going to let the past ruin my enjoyment of this season. It ain't always easy, but I am getting better. Trying to balance joy and anxiety is part of having pennant fever.
  9. I think we are all aware the Angels have not won anything yet... as for the "baseball gods"... I don''t believe in any of that, so I will continue to enjoy the ride and hope for the best. I get a little less nervous with each victory
  10. The way things are going it is like the perfect storm.... A's sucking, Red Sox out of it, Yankees might not make it, etc. It is too good to be true.
  11. So much for yesterday's game jump starting the A's
  12. A few more runs please... thought bubble from CJ
  13. Just watching Cron consistently it is obvious jow uncomfortable he appears in the field a lot of the times. I too prefer Pujols at 1b
  14. Angels team store just sent out an email.... Wilson shirts on clearance...
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