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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Way back when... when people claimed the world was flat and posted as much on their version of message boards, Lou took note. When Christopher Columbus made fools of them all, Lou went to that message board and posted his "I agree" there too.
  2. My hope is that one day in the future - Lou will bump this thread for all the "right" reasons.
  3. I love baseball... stuff like this is always possible in this great game.
  4. Cowgill is effective in his current role. I'm fine with him in the dosages we've seen so far. There's a reason he's not starting for a team somewhere in MLB... He's got a great attitude and again - he's great in his role as a 4th OF.
  5. Torrid, I'm with you. I am concerned. I'd like to see him back in the lineup. His streaky performance aside, I think they team has much more upside with him in the lineup. Call me crazy, but I'll take my chances with Josh Hamilton over guys like Cowgill in the post season. I love how some fans like to make proclamations about whether or not a player is "done." It's one of the things that makes me crazy. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but this board loves to pile on when a player is down. Sometimes it's as if they take joy in that process. The silly nicknames are juvenile and tiresome. I believe he can still be productive and a force in the middle of the lineup. He's had lots of nagging injuries and that's unfortunate. I'm not even close to writing him off.
  6. DW, Trust me... I do and I will.... I just go through different degrees of anxiety.
  7. I hope the Angels clinch at home... I want to be there... but if that doesn't happen, it would be sort of awesome for them to clinch in Oakland...
  8. it's amazing what a few good games can do for a guy.
  9. I think most predictions factored in a healthy Texas team in the west... The Angels have definitely exceeded my expectations. I thought a lot of things had to go right for them to be good and even though not everything has gone perfectly well - they win anyway. I love this team.
  10. Great stuff... I'd like to know how old each guy is (would be helfpul to have that included). Thanks for the great work.
  11. The team that concerns me the most is the Royals... the back end of that bull pen is filthy. Something about that team just makes me nervous.
  12. I also think he's an amazing talent and enjoy watching him play. I think the bashing he gets from the media and fans is a little over the top. He's definitely a knucklehead, but he's not a jerk like Pierzynski or a number of other guys. Oh and that play was extremely funny on many levels for sure.
  13. DW711 what A's board do you post at? I am always curiois about the A's fans takes. I am not trolling... just curious.
  14. Am dreaming? Who saw this coming a month ago?
  15. After today's game the Angels are now 6th in runs scored post-all-star break.
  16. I've enjoyed reading some of the A's boards that are out on the net... they've become a great source of joy. Yes, every board is pretty much the same...
  17. Waiting for the rumors to surface that he's actually 17. Kidding of course... Well, sort of.
  18. I won't be impressed until I see him hit a ball that bounces in the dirt before it gets to home plate...
  19. Can someone please clarify things for me... does this board want Howie in the four hole or do they want him traded because he's not clutch? Or is it okay for him to bat clean up for this season and then be dealt in the off season? Or is it subject to change depending on which way Mike Scioscia tips his cap?
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