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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Angels to sign Albert Belle per Angel Oracle's suggestion.
  2. Dipoto says he will insert himself as the closer soon.
  3. Turns out Joe Blanton is Dipoto's half brother (j/k). He's not going to the bullpen.
  4. Looks like Jimenez is up to stay.... can play some 1B too.
  5. Albert is back at 1B tonite... he obviously read this thread and wanted to make a statement to all of you.
  6. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-01-22/sports/sc-spt-0123-notes-rogers-baseball--20110122_1_royals-zach-greinke-trey-hillman
  7. It's too early for THIS =
  8. Have a great time Chuck. By Monday things should calm down and all the natives won't be so restless...
  9. Anyone else cringe when he leaped into the air before jumping on home plate?
  10. There's probably a thread like this for every team...
  11. Jerry West approves of this thread... Awesome finish last night. I'm happy for Howie and even happier the team won and that's all that matters. It doesn't change my overall opinion of him as a good, but not spectacular 2B.
  12. I'm glad to see he's happy. Thanks for sharing that!
  13. I call Howie - Mr. Yips... and a friend of mine dubbed him Mr. March. Both are appropriate, IMO - but there are far worse 2B out there for sure.
  14. The Angels could win the next 20 in a row and some people still won't be happy. Even a WS title won't be enough for some.
  15. Terry Smith does a great job... there's no way I would show the same amount of patience that he has with some of the callers.
  16. Anyone ever see "Hard Ball?" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0180734/
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