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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. There's no point in trading Trumbo until the Angels get a GM who knows what he's doing. I'm afraid to see what Dipoto would get in return for Trumbo at this piont.
  2. People will read into this what they want.
  3. All I know is that the Stoneman/Scioscia combination transformed the Angels organization. That combination set a tone and put together a specific plan for the kind of players they wanted and for how the game should be played. It's clear to me that both the GM and manager have to be on the same page and they have to share the same vision. Given that idea - I'll go with Scioscia's vision over Dipoto's. I liked the way the Angels forced the action with aggressive play. I'll take that over guys who likes to leave their bat on their shoulder any day. Right or wrong - it's more fun to watch and it worked for this organization for quite a while. The 2005 team and the 2008 and 2009 teams were good enough to win World Series' - but the play-offs didn't go their way. I can accept that with those teams. You never know what's going to happen in the post-season. I don't think Scioscia should call all the shots - but I do believe that the Angels need to hire a GM who fits what Scioscia wants to do. I like his style of play and the way his better teams played. Maybe Dipoto has a better plan. I don't think I'm in a position to judge and I doubt most, if not all of you are either. I do know what has worked before and I liked the fact that it was in contrast to the moneyball philosophy. I loved the fact that in the years when the team played well - the players outperformed their projections much to the head shaking of the sabermetrics community. Again - I'm not saying one plan is better than another - I just know what I like and I'm going to back Scioscia everytime.
  4. Dipoto, don't let the door hit you on the way out....
  5. I would have preferred Joe Saunders over Blanton... and Saunders has an ERA of 4.86 (3.94 at home/5.60 on the road). Not great, but definitely an upgrade over Blanton.
  6. Weaver isn't a 1... he's about a 1.2322347
  7. Trout is being moved to the bullpen.
  8. c'mon... this board is reluctant to focus on something positive...
  9. I understand the venting... it's definitely justified... I just get tired of seeing the same vent over and over and over and over....and... you get the picture.
  10. I met a guy on a message board who told me that he had a cousin who lived next to a guy who was dating a woman, who's niece walked the dog of a friend, who's sister was a nurse and she was in the hospital room the day Albert was born and he is the age he claims to be. No matter what - some people will just never give Albert the benefit of the doubt on anything - be it his age, whether or not he juiced, prefers pepsi over coke, etc. If he had put together two good seasons as a Angel - this wouldn't even be a topic.
  11. Still just the fitth best young player behind Trout, Harper, Machado, and Wil Myers
  12. I think the idea that players want to "go home" to play when they become a FA is overblown and doesn't really happen all that often. It usually just comes down to money with rare exceptions. I would be monumentally disappointed if the Angels did not lock him up, but as all of you fans know - that's just something that's out of our control. So... why worry about it? I am enjoying the time we have with him right now and thinking about the possibility of his leaving is just not worth the energy.
  13. all I know is that it's easy for me to cheer for Mark Trumbo. He gives a max effort and has a great attitude. If he ever completely figures it out - he will be something special... tha'ts a big if, but I'm hopeful.
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